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  • Blessed and Limping

    Blessed and Limping

    PEACE AND PURPOSE BLOG SERIES Blessed and Limping: A Story of Peace and Purpose in Pain by Katie Scott “And how are you doing today?” The masked nurse swung open the door while directing me to her station to collect my vitals. “I’m fine.” My voice was clipped and that wasn’t like me. I normally…

  • The Cost

    The Cost

    Life is full of costs. Most spend money daily on things for life. What we spend our time and money on can come at a cost to the things we no longer prioritize or have time for. Certain actions and decisions can come at the cost of our reputation or at the cost of a…

  • God’s Grace

    God’s Grace

    God’s grace is an amazing, undeserved gift from our Creator. This grace is demonstrated by the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ on the cross (John 3:16). And the depths of God’s grace are discovered the further we travel on our faith walk. It is the heart of our salvation and the guiding light to…

  • Faith and Fruit

    Faith and Fruit

    Throughout scripture God uses the analogy of Christ followers producing fruit as an outward sign of their faith. The idea of producing and sharing “fruit” can be found throughout the Bible including the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-25). They are all things we receive and are called to share with others; shining God’s light…

  • Freedom and Obedience

    Freedom and Obedience

    I have two very distinct phases of my faith walk. While in middle school I came to truly know and understand the Gospel. Thanks to my Mom’s faith walk and my curiosity, we came to have a discussion where God opened my eyes and heart to Christ’s sacrifice. I rested in that truth of my…