Bold For Christ

Acts 28:31 (ESV) “proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance.”

I want to serve my Savior well. Continuous spiritual growth and becoming more like Christ is my goal. Tending to my own heart and encouraging my own faith walk takes time and devotion. Then when it comes to sharing my faith with others, things can get messy. I stress over my words and how best to share what God calls me to share. But I know He calls me to share, so I do. Sometimes timidly and with caution. I can worry about what others think about what I say. Caution and conviction leads me to use my words wisely, only as God inspires is my heart. Taking pause and praying over my words is good, but how often do I allow it to hinder me from proclaiming the saving grace of our Savior? 

My confidence can go up and down. The pace of my run grows slow. Sometimes I need to rest in God’s faithfulness to go forward. But I do strive to keep moving forwards, making progress and sharing as God leads. My mind can sometimes wander…

How can I be confident in Christ, but not appear confident in myself?

How can I share my testimony but always ensure I point to God?

I want to be bold and share God’s truth! But how do I know when or how is the best way to do that?

We worry we aren’t enough or that our words will do no good. Fear creeps in with imposter syndrome and the thoughts of others. Not being sure if we are the right person for the job convinces us that we should just say nothing. But these are all lies from Satan trying to deter us from living in the promises and truth of God.

Instead THIS is what God’s Word tells us:

We can boldly approach God because of Jesus’ sacrifice (Ephesians 3:12)

We can confidently trust that the resurrection of Christ freed us from sin (Hebrew 10:19-25)

We can be bold without fear with the help of our Lord (Hebews 13:6)

The hope we have found in Christ should make us bold (2 Corinthians 3:12)

Knowing our God is with us should give us confidence (Joshua 1:9)

We should trust that He will provide the words we calls us to boldly share (Ephesians 6:19)

We are called to boldly offer up our entire lives for God’s purposes (Romans 12:1-2)

OUR CONFIDENCE IS IN OUR GOD! 2 Corinthians 3:5 (ESV) says, Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.

His faithfulness. His provision. His power. His wisdom. His plan.

If we are seeking Him, praying for His guidance, and trusting in His strength. Then there should be nothing stopping us from being bold for His glory. Confidence for Christ can only come from confidence IN Christ.

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